Be a good human first rest is secondary.

Childrens are usually asked "What would you like to be when you grow up".
The response is, I want to be a doctor, an engineer, a scientist, a lawyer, a teacher, a singer, an actor, an atlete and so on.
The childrens are programmed to be career oriented.
Yes programmed.
Programmed by parents, teachers and society to be career oriented, to be on top, to be successful.
This results in empowering images such as – ‘I am the greatest social worker, i will get a big award, i will get a Nobel Prize. I am a great writer, i will get the Booker award’. These are all ego-driven.
Being career/success oriented is not bad but being only career/success oriented is.
What if they become successful and doesn't respect others, specially women and elderly.
What if they cheat someone to be sucessful.
Is it their fault?
Its not their fault.
Its due to the programming of being successful by any means. the programming to be on top.
"What do you want ti be" actually means WHAT WOULD BE YOUR IDENTITY?
Career is just one aspect of a person's identity.
The aim of life is TO BE A GOOD HUMAN BEING, a happy person who makes others happy.
The qualitied of a good human being are
A good human is truthful
A good human is simple
A good human does not snatch other’s things,.
A good human does not step on other people to get ahead.
A good human is content with what he has, and if he needs more, he works for it, and does not take shortcuts.
A good human is not hungry for popularity.
A good human is natural.
Be a good human first rest is secondary.
Be a good human first. This will help us overcome problems that the world is facing today. Cultivate strength to first be a good human yourself so that you can, in turn, create more good humans. No technique, guru, leader, social worker, nor healer can solve problems or work for common welfare unless change happens first in the individual.
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