How to Train for Extreme Altitude Races Happening over 5000 to 6000 meters

Training for extreme altitude races, especially those happening over 5000 to 6000 meters in the Himalayas, requires careful planning, specific training, and acclimatization to mitigate the risks associated with high altitudes. Here are detailed guidelines on how to train for these demanding races:


1. Aerobic Endurance Training:

Prioritize aerobic exercises like running, cycling, and swimming to build cardiovascular endurance. Long-distance running or hiking should be included in your training regimen.


2. Altitude Training:

If possible, incorporate altitude training by gradually ascending to higher altitudes for short periods. Simulated altitude training using altitude tents or chambers can also be beneficial.


3. Strength Training:

Include strength training sessions focusing on the legs, core, and stabilizing muscles to improve overall strength and endurance.


4. Specificity Training:

Practice running or hiking on varied terrain, mimicking the conditions you will face during the race. This includes uphill and downhill running on rocky, uneven surfaces.


5. Interval Training:

Incorporate interval training sessions to improve both speed and endurance. This can include hill repeats or speed workouts at lower altitudes.


6. Train Responsibly:

Consult with a healthcare professional before beginning an extreme altitude training program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.


Know about Summit or Surrender : Extreme Altitude Himalayan Race Series