Dont Let others Change You

Sometime, what we think we have done enough was not enough for few people.
I remember a story of a priest who was trying to save a Scorpio who was inside a fire ring in a forest fire, while all animals, priests and his pupil was running away from jungle fire, priest noticed the Scorpio in the ring he try to save his life he knew if he don’t do that Scorpio will die..
Scorpio as soon as reach to the hand of priest he bite it. And priest in agony leave him and he falls again in the fire ring.
This happens twice or thrice, one of his follower said...”what are you doing, why you are tying to kill your self and all of us to save this thankless creature...”
Priest said, “oh you may all run and save your life while I try to save this creature...”
“What for....????” Surprised follower asked....
He said, “if a evil cannot leave his evilness at the edge of death.... how can I leave my goodness at the edge of death...”
So my friend moral of story, it doesn’t matter what other do to you, but it matter what you do to yourself.... and others...
This cruel world will try to change you... don’t change... do god and stay thankful to all mighty that he has given you means and heart to help others...
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