Celebrate Diwali as Celebrated When Lord Rama Returned Back

Diwali is festival of lights and sweets. It is about happiness and joy for all including humans, birds, animals and plants.
Spread the happiness and joy for all. Diwali is not festival of sound and pollution.
Crackers and fireworks were never part of our tradition. When lord Rama came home after 14 years of axile the citizen welcomed him by lighting earthen diyas and distributing sweets. No CRACKERS or FIREWORKS were there at that time. The streets, homes and palace was decorated with flowers.
The fireworks were invented in China and brought in India in 19 century.
Also the noise generated by the crackers creates problem for kids, elderly, birds and animals.
Along with noise, the crackers also cause pollution which is very dangerous for public health specially for kids and old age. Pollution effects all of us and causes many lung and heart diseases.
Celebrate your Diwali responsibly and let the happiness and joy of the festival spread.
Wish you all a very happy and prosperous Diwali.
#noToCrackers #greenDiwali #ecoFriendlyCelebration
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